My free draft of papers tend to have the foundation of my argument clearly presented with evidence but sometimes they lack strength in analysis and connections back to my thesis. I choose to showcase my second essay I wrote for this class. We had to explain if our future career could use art and science together and be successful. As I look back at my free draft I wanted to strength my thesis to add more of my own opinion into my argument instead of just stating it. I looked for more personal connections to use to really enhance my points. I wanted my argument to really show how I felt on the prompt. After getting feedback from my peers as well as my professor I came up with a plan to revise my paper. I changed my thesis statement to add more of myself into it. Then I looked at my evidence and added to my analysis to connect to my new thesis better. I felt successful after working on revising the paper. I edited and read over it myself outloud to see if I could see and hear any parts of my paper that had flow problems and reorganized my essay accordingly to make sure my main points successfully got across. Finally, I reached a point where I was happy with the work I did on my paper and was ready to turn it in. The change from my free draft to my final shows my development as a writer.